Reading - CEFR level C1, C2 - PROFICIENT

Topic 1 -  Pregnancy

Pregnancy: A Guide for the First-Time Mom

Pregnancy is a time of great change and excitement. It is also a time of uncertainty and worry. This guide will provide you with information on what to expect during pregnancy, from conception to childbirth.

The First Trimester

The first trimester is the most important time in your baby's development. During this time, all of the major organs and systems are formed. You may experience morning sickness, fatigue, and mood swings. It is important to eat a healthy diet, get plenty of rest, and take prenatal vitamins.

The Second Trimester

The second trimester is often the most enjoyable time of pregnancy. You will start to feel your baby move, and your energy levels will improve. You may experience some discomfort, such as back pain and heartburn. However, overall, this is a time to enjoy your pregnancy.

The Third Trimester

The third trimester is the final stretch. You may feel tired and uncomfortable, but you are also getting closer to meeting your baby. Your baby will put on weight rapidly, and you may experience Braxton Hicks contractions. It is important to rest as much as possible and to get ready for childbirth.


Childbirth is a natural process, but it can be challenging. There are many different ways to give birth, and the best method for you will depend on your individual circumstances. You may choose to have a vaginal delivery or a cesarean section.

After Birth

After childbirth, you will need to recover physically and emotionally. You will also need to learn how to care for your new baby. This can be a time of great joy, but it can also be overwhelming. There are many resources available to help you through this time, such as your doctor, your partner, and your family and friends.

Pregnancy is a beautiful and amazing experience. It is a time to bond with your baby and to prepare for the next chapter in your life. By following the tips in this guide, you can have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Here are some additional tips for pregnant women:

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but it can also be stressful. By taking care of yourself and your baby, you can make the most of this special time.

Topic 2 - Zoos

Zoos: A Place for Education and Conservation

Zoos have been around for centuries, and they have played an important role in educating the public about animals and conservation. In recent years, zoos have come under criticism for keeping animals in captivity, but they have also taken steps to improve the welfare of their animals and to support conservation efforts in the wild.

There are many reasons why zoos are important. They provide a safe place for animals to live and breed. They also help to educate the public about animals and conservation. Zoos can also help to raise awareness about endangered species and the threats they face.

Of course, there are also some challenges associated with zoos. One challenge is that it can be difficult to provide animals with the same level of care that they would receive in the wild. Another challenge is that zoos can be expensive to operate.

Despite the challenges, zoos play an important role in education and conservation. They are a valuable resource for learning about animals and the importance of protecting them.

Here are some of the benefits of zoos:

Here are some of the challenges of zoos:

Despite the challenges, zoos play an important role in education and conservation. They are a valuable resource for learning about animals and the importance of protecting them.

Here are some of the things that zoos are doing to improve the welfare of their animals and to support conservation efforts in the wild:

Zoos are constantly working to improve the welfare of their animals and to support conservation efforts in the wild. By doing so, they are playing an important role in protecting the planet's wildlife.

Topic 3 - The future of work

The Future of Work: The Rise of the Robots

The world of work is changing rapidly. The rise of automation and artificial intelligence is displacing jobs, and new technologies are creating new opportunities. In this new era, workers need to be adaptable and lifelong learners. They need to be able to think critically and creatively, and they need to be able to work effectively in teams.

One of the most significant changes in the workplace is the rise of robots. Robots are already being used in a wide range of industries, from manufacturing to healthcare. And as technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more robots in the workplace.

The rise of robots has the potential to have a major impact on the workforce. Some jobs will be lost, as robots are able to do the work that was once done by humans. However, new jobs will also be created, as the demand for new skills and technologies grows.

So, what does the future of work look like? It is difficult to say for sure. However, it is clear that the workforce is changing rapidly. Those who are adaptable and willing to learn will be the most successful in this new era.

Here are some of the key trends that are shaping the future of work:

The Rise of Automation and Artificial Intelligence

Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are two of the most disruptive technologies of our time. These technologies are already having a major impact on the workforce, and their impact is only going to grow in the years to come.

Automation is the use of machines to do work that was once done by humans. AI is the ability of machines to think and learn like humans. These two technologies are often used together, as AI can be used to make machines more intelligent and adaptable.

Automation and AI are already being used in a wide range of industries, from manufacturing to healthcare. For example, robots are now being used to assemble cars, and AI is being used to diagnose diseases.

As automation and AI continue to develop, we can expect to see even more of these technologies in the workplace. This will lead to the loss of some jobs, as machines are able to do the work that was once done by humans. However, it will also create new jobs, as the demand for new skills and technologies grows.

The Growth of the Gig Economy

The gig economy is a term used to describe the growing trend of people working freelance or contract jobs. This trend is being driven by a number of factors, including the rise of the internet, the increasing demand for flexibility, and the growing number of people who are looking to start their own businesses.

The gig economy has a number of implications for the future of work. First, it means that there will be a growing number of people who are self-employed or who work for multiple companies. Second, it means that there will be a greater need for workers with specialized skills. Third, it means that workers will need to be more adaptable and flexible in order to succeed.

The Increasing Demand for Soft Skills

In addition to technical skills, employers are increasingly looking for workers with soft skills. Soft skills are the skills that allow us to interact and work effectively with others. These skills include communication, teamwork, problem solving, and critical thinking.

The demand for soft skills is growing because the workplace is becoming more complex and collaborative. In order to succeed in this new environment, workers need to be able to communicate effectively, work well with others, and solve problems.

The Need for Lifelong Learning

The world of work is changing rapidly, and this means that workers need to be lifelong learners. They need to be able to adapt to new technologies and new ways of working.

There are a number of ways that workers can continue to learn. They can take courses, attend conferences, read books, and network with other professionals. By continuing to learn, workers can stay ahead of the curve and ensure that they are prepared for the future of work.

The future of work is uncertain, but it is clear that those who are adaptable and willing to learn will be the most successful. By understanding the key trends that are shaping the future of work, workers can prepare themselves for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Topic 4 - Transportation

Transportation: The Key to Economic Growth

Transportation is essential for economic growth. It allows people and goods to move around, which is necessary for businesses to operate and for people to participate in the workforce. Without transportation, our economy would grind to a halt.

There are many different modes of transportation, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most common modes of transportation include cars, trucks, buses, trains, and airplanes.

Cars are the most popular mode of transportation in most countries. They are convenient and relatively affordable. However, they can also be a major source of pollution and traffic congestion.

Trucks are used to transport goods over long distances. They are efficient and can carry a lot of weight. However, they can also be a major source of pollution.

Buses are a popular mode of transportation for city dwellers. They are affordable and can carry a lot of people. However, they can also be slow and unreliable.

Trains are a more efficient mode of transportation than cars or buses. They can carry a lot of people and goods over long distances. However, they can also be expensive and slow.

Airplanes are the fastest mode of transportation. They are used to transport people and goods over long distances. However, they can also be expensive and polluting.

The best mode of transportation for a particular trip will depend on a number of factors, including the distance to be traveled, the number of people traveling, the cost, and the time available.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in sustainable transportation. Sustainable transportation is transportation that does not harm the environment. Some of the most popular sustainable modes of transportation include walking, biking, and public transportation.

Walking and biking are healthy and environmentally friendly ways to get around. They are also a great way to get exercise. Public transportation is a more sustainable alternative to cars and trucks. It is also a more affordable way to travel.

The future of transportation is likely to be a mix of different modes. Cars and trucks will still be used for long-distance travel and for transporting goods. However, sustainable modes of transportation, such as walking, biking, and public transportation, are likely to become more popular.

By using sustainable modes of transportation, we can help to reduce pollution and traffic congestion. We can also help to improve our health and fitness.

Topic 5 - The history of flight

The History of Flight

The history of flight is a long and fascinating one. From the early days of kites and gliders to the modern jet airliners, humans have always been fascinated by the idea of flying.

The first person to achieve powered flight was the Wright brothers, who made their historic flight on December 17, 1903. Their success was the culmination of years of research and experimentation by many different people.

After the Wright brothers, flight technology developed rapidly. In the early years, airplanes were mostly used for military purposes. However, as the technology improved, airplanes became more and more popular for civilian use.

Today, airplanes are an essential part of our lives. They are used for transportation, tourism, and even for delivering mail. Without airplanes, our world would be a very different place.

Here are some of the key events in the history of flight:

The future of flight is full of possibilities. New technologies, such as drones and vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft, are opening up new possibilities for transportation and travel. It is an exciting time to be involved in the field of flight.

Here are some of the challenges and opportunities facing the future of flight:

The future of flight is bright. With new technologies and increased demand, the aviation industry is poised for continued growth.

Topic 6 - Vietnam

Vietnam: A Land of Contrasts

Vietnam is a country of contrasts. It is a country with a rich history and culture, stunning natural beauty, and a warm and welcoming people.

Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia, on the eastern coast of the Indochina Peninsula. It is bordered by China to the north, Laos and Cambodia to the west, and the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea to the east and south.

Vietnam has a long and rich history. The first known inhabitants of Vietnam were the Hoabinhians, who lived in the area around 10,000 years ago. The first major kingdom in Vietnam was the Champa Kingdom, which was founded in the 7th century. The Champa Kingdom was a powerful force in Southeast Asia for centuries, but it was eventually conquered by the Vietnamese in the 15th century.

In the 19th century, Vietnam was colonized by France. The French ruled Vietnam for over 60 years, until they were defeated by the Viet Minh in the 1954 Battle of Dien Bien Phu.

After the war, Vietnam was divided into two countries: North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The two countries fought a long and bloody civil war, which ended in 1975 when the North Vietnamese army captured Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam.

Topic 7 - Cooking: An Art Form

Cooking: An Art Form

Cooking is an art form. It is the process of transforming raw ingredients into something delicious and nutritious. It is a creative outlet, a way to express oneself, and a way to connect with others.

Cooking can be simple or complex, depending on the dish. Some dishes can be made in minutes, while others can take hours or even days to prepare. But no matter how long it takes, cooking is always a rewarding experience.

There are many different ways to cook. Some people prefer to follow recipes, while others prefer to experiment and create their own dishes. There is no right or wrong way to cook, as long as the end result is something that you enjoy.

Cooking can be a great way to save money. It is often cheaper to cook at home than to eat out. It can also be a healthier option, as you can control the ingredients that go into your food.

Cooking is a skill that can be learned by anyone. There are many resources available to help you learn how to cook, including cookbooks, websites, and cooking classes. With a little practice, you will be able to create delicious meals that will impress your friends and family.

Here are some of the benefits of cooking:

If you are looking for a new hobby or a way to improve your life, I encourage you to learn how to cook. It is a skill that will benefit you in many ways.

Here are some tips for getting started with cooking:

Topic 8 - Mining

Mining: A Vital Industry

Mining is the process of extracting valuable minerals from the Earth. It is a vital industry that provides the raw materials for many of the products we use in our everyday lives, such as cars, computers, and smartphones.

There are many different types of mining, each with its own specific methods and techniques. Some of the most common types of mining include:

Mining is a dangerous and challenging industry. Miners work in remote and often hostile environments, and they are exposed to a variety of hazards, including cave-ins, explosions, and toxic chemicals. However, mining is also a rewarding industry. Miners play a vital role in the global economy, and they are responsible for providing the raw materials that we need to build our modern world.

The Future of Mining

The future of mining is uncertain. The global demand for minerals is growing, but the supply is limited. This is putting pressure on prices, and it is making it more difficult for mining companies to make a profit.

In addition, the mining industry is facing increasing environmental and social challenges. Governments are becoming more aware of the environmental impact of mining, and they are imposing stricter regulations. Mining companies are also facing increasing pressure from local communities, who are concerned about the social impact of mining, such as pollution and displacement.

Despite these challenges, the mining industry is likely to remain a vital part of the global economy for many years to come. As the world's population grows and the demand for resources increases, the need for mining will only become more pressing.

Here are some of the challenges and opportunities facing the mining industry in the future:

The mining industry is facing a number of challenges, but it also has a number of opportunities. The future of the mining industry will depend on how well it can adapt to these challenges and opportunities.

Topic 9 - Organ transplants

Organ Transplants: A Life-Saving Option

Organ transplants are a medical procedure in which a healthy organ is taken from one person and transplanted into another person who needs it. Organ transplants can save lives and improve the quality of life for people with end-stage organ failure.

There are many different types of organ transplants, including heart transplants, kidney transplants, liver transplants, lung transplants, and pancreas transplants. Each type of transplant has its own specific risks and benefits.

Organ transplants are a complex and expensive medical procedure. However, the benefits of organ transplants often outweigh the risks. Organ transplants can give people a new lease on life and allow them to live longer, healthier lives.

The Need for Organ Transplants

There is a great need for organ transplants. Every year, thousands of people die while waiting for an organ transplant. The number of people waiting for an organ transplant is much greater than the number of organs available.

There are a number of reasons why there is a shortage of organs for transplant. One reason is that people are living longer, which means that there are more people who are at risk of developing organ failure. Another reason is that the number of people who die in car accidents and other traumatic events has decreased, which means that there are fewer organs available from these sources.

The Process of Getting an Organ Transplant

The process of getting an organ transplant is long and complex. It begins with being evaluated by a transplant team. The transplant team will assess your medical condition and determine if you are a good candidate for an organ transplant.

If you are a good candidate for an organ transplant, you will be placed on a waiting list. The waiting list is based on a number of factors, including your blood type, your medical condition, and how long you have been waiting for an organ transplant.

When an organ becomes available, the transplant team will contact you and arrange for the transplant surgery. The transplant surgery is a major surgery and it is important to follow the instructions of your doctor after the surgery.

The Risks of Organ Transplants

Organ transplants are a major medical procedure and they carry some risks. Some of the risks of organ transplants include:

The risks of organ transplants vary depending on the type of transplant and the patient's individual medical condition.

The Benefits of Organ Transplants

The benefits of organ transplants far outweigh the risks. Organ transplants can give people a new lease on life and allow them to live longer, healthier lives.

Some of the benefits of organ transplants include:

The Future of Organ Transplants

The future of organ transplants is promising. There are a number of research projects underway that are aimed at increasing the number of organs available for transplant and reducing the risks of organ transplantation.

Some of the research projects underway include:

The research projects underway have the potential to make organ transplantation more accessible and safer for more people.

Topic 10 - Insurance

Insurance: A Financial Safety Net

Insurance is a financial product that protects you from financial loss in the event of an unexpected event, such as a car accident, a house fire, or a medical emergency. When you buy insurance, you pay a premium to an insurance company. In the event that an insured event occurs, the insurance company will pay you a sum of money to help you cover the costs.

There are many different types of insurance, each designed to protect you from a different type of financial loss. Some of the most common types of insurance include:

Insurance can be a valuable financial tool that can help you protect your assets and your income. If you are considering buying insurance, it is important to shop around and compare different policies to find the best coverage for your needs and budget.

Here are some of the benefits of insurance:

Here are some of the risks of not having insurance:

If you are considering buying insurance, it is important to weigh the benefits and risks to decide if insurance is right for you.