Reading - CEFR level B1, B2 - INDEPENDENT level

Topic 1 - Sound

What is Sound?

Sound is a form of energy that travels through a medium, such as air, water, or solids. It is caused by vibrations, which are movements back and forth. When an object vibrates, it causes the air around it to vibrate as well. These vibrations travel through the air as sound waves.

How do we hear sound?

Our ears are able to detect sound waves because they have tiny hairs inside them. When sound waves hit the eardrum, they cause the hairs to vibrate. These vibrations are then converted into electrical signals by the brain. The brain interprets these signals as sound.

Different types of sound

There are many different types of sound. Some sounds are pleasant, such as music or the sound of birds singing. Other sounds are unpleasant, such as the sound of traffic or a dog barking.

Sounds can also be described by their pitch, loudness, and timbre. Pitch is how high or low a sound is. Loudness is how loud or soft a sound is. Timbre is the quality of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and loudness.

The importance of sound

Sound is an important part of our lives. We use it to communicate, to enjoy music, and to be aware of our surroundings. Sound can also be used to create art, to heal people, and to protect us from danger.


Sound is a fascinating and important part of our world. It is all around us, and we use it every day. Without sound, our lives would be very different.

Topic 2 - Elephants


Elephants are the largest land mammals on Earth. They are found in Africa and Asia. There are two main types of elephants: African elephants and Asian elephants.

African elephants are the largest elephants. They can grow up to 13 feet tall and weigh up to 14,000 pounds. African elephants have large ears that are shaped like Africa. They also have long trunks that they use to pick up food and water.

Asian elephants are smaller than African elephants. They can grow up to 10 feet tall and weigh up to 6,000 pounds. Asian elephants have smaller ears that are shaped like India. They also have shorter trunks than African elephants.

Elephants are herbivores. They eat a variety of plants, including grasses, leaves, fruits, and bark. They also drink a lot of water.

Elephants are social animals. They live in herds that can be made up of up to 100 elephants. The herds are led by a matriarch, who is the oldest and most experienced elephant in the herd.

Elephants are intelligent animals. They have a good memory and can learn complex tasks. They are also very emotional animals. They can express a wide range of emotions, including joy, sadness, anger, and fear.

Elephants are also very gentle animals. They are not aggressive unless they feel threatened. They are often seen playing with each other and with other animals.

Elephants are an important part of the ecosystem. They help to disperse seeds and fertilize the soil. They also help to control the growth of vegetation.

Unfortunately, elephants are facing many threats. They are hunted for their ivory tusks, and their habitat is being destroyed. As a result, elephant populations are declining.

It is important to protect elephants. They are an amazing and important part of our world. We need to do everything we can to ensure their survival.

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Topic 3 - Mark Twain

Mark Twain

Mark Twain was an American author and humorist who is best known for his novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in Florida, Missouri, in 1835. He grew up in Hannibal, Missouri, which served as the inspiration for the fictional town of St. Petersburg in his novels.

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Mark Twain portrait

Twain began his career as a printer's apprentice. He then worked as a riverboat pilot, a journalist, and a traveling lecturer. He published his first book, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, in 1865. This was followed by a series of other successful books, including The Innocents Abroad (1869), Life on the Mississippi (1874), and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876).

Twain's novels are known for their humor, their realistic depiction of American life in the 19th century, and their use of dialect. He was a master of satire and irony, and his work often explored themes of social justice and the American dream.

Twain was a controversial figure in his own time. He was outspoken in his criticism of racism and imperialism, and his work was sometimes banned in the South. However, he remains one of the most popular and influential American authors of all time.

Twain died in 1910 at the age of 74. His legacy includes his books, his wit, and his commitment to social justice.

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Topic 4 - Radio

Radio: A Medium for All

Radio is a medium that has been around for over a century, and it continues to be a popular way to stay informed, entertained, and connected. Radio can be accessed on a variety of devices, including radios, computers, and smartphones. This makes it a convenient and accessible medium for people of all ages.

There are many different types of radio programming available, including news, music, talk shows, sports, and entertainment. This variety of programming means that there is something for everyone on the radio. Whether you are interested in staying up-to-date on the latest news, listening to your favorite music, or learning about a new topic, you can find something to your liking on the radio.

In addition to providing entertainment and information, radio can also be a powerful tool for education and social change. For example, radio can be used to teach people about important issues, such as health, education, and civic engagement. Radio can also be used to connect people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Radio is a versatile medium that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is a convenient, accessible, and engaging medium that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Here are some of the benefits of listening to the radio:

Radio is a powerful medium that can be used to reach a wide audience. It is a convenient, accessible, and engaging medium that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. I believe that radio will continue to be a popular medium in the future.

Here are some additional thoughts on the future of radio:

I am excited to see how radio evolves in the future. I believe that it will continue to be a popular medium that can connect people from all over the world.

Topic 5 - Vacations

Vacations: A Time to Relax and Rejuvenate

Vacations are a time to relax and rejuvenate. They are a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and explore new places or simply relax at home. There are many different types of vacations, so there is something for everyone.

Some people prefer to go on adventurous vacations, where they can try new things and challenge themselves. This could include hiking, camping, whitewater rafting, or skydiving. Others prefer to go on relaxing vacations, where they can spend time on the beach, read a book, or go golfing.

No matter what type of vacation you prefer, there are a few things to keep in mind when planning your trip. First, you need to decide where you want to go. There are many different places to choose from, so take some time to research and find a place that you are interested in.

Once you have decided on a destination, you need to start planning your activities. If you are going on an adventurous vacation, you will need to book your activities in advance. If you are going on a relaxing vacation, you may want to leave some time open so that you can just relax and explore.

Finally, you need to pack your bags. Make sure to pack everything you need for your activities, as well as some comfortable clothes and shoes. You may also want to pack a book or some other activities to keep you entertained on the plane or in the hotel room.

Vacations are a great way to relax and rejuvenate. They can also be a great way to learn about new cultures and make new memories. So, if you are looking for a way to escape the everyday grind, consider taking a vacation. You won't regret it!

Here are some tips for planning a successful vacation:


Topic 6 - Hurricanes

Hurricanes: Nature's Most Powerful Storms

Hurricanes are large, rotating storms that form over warm tropical waters. They are the most powerful storms on Earth, and can cause widespread damage and destruction.

Hurricanes are classified according to their strength, with Category 1 being the weakest and Category 5 being the strongest. Category 3 hurricanes and above are considered major hurricanes.

Hurricanes form when warm, moist air over the ocean rises and cools. As the air cools, it condenses and forms clouds. These clouds release heat, which further warms the air and creates a self-sustaining cycle.

The rotating winds of a hurricane can reach speeds of up to 200 miles per hour. These winds can cause extensive damage to buildings, trees, and power lines. Hurricanes can also produce heavy rains, which can cause flooding and mudslides.

Hurricanes typically occur in the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean between June and November. However, they can occur at other times of the year as well.

The most destructive hurricane in history was Hurricane Katrina, which made landfall in Louisiana in 2005. Katrina caused over $100 billion in damage and killed over 1,800 people. Hurricanes are a powerful force of nature that can cause widespread destruction. It is important to be prepared for hurricanes and to take the necessary precautions to stay safe.


Hurricanes are a powerful force of nature that can cause widespread destruction. It is important to be prepared for hurricanes and to take the necessary precautions to stay safe.

Topic 7 - Horseriding

topic 1

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Horse Riding: A Passion for Many

Horse riding is a popular activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It is a great way to get exercise, enjoy the outdoors, and bond with a beautiful animal.

There are many different ways to enjoy horse riding. You can go for trail rides, compete in shows, or simply ride for pleasure. Horse riding can be a relaxing or exhilarating activity, depending on your mood.

If you are interested in learning how to ride a horse, there are many different places where you can take lessons. You can find riding schools in most areas, and there are also many online resources that can teach you the basics of horsemanship.

Once you have learned the basics, you can start exploring the many different aspects of horse riding. You can try different types of riding, such as Western or English. You can also start competing in shows, or simply enjoy riding for the sheer pleasure of it.

Horse riding is a rewarding activity that can provide you with many benefits. It is a great way to get exercise, enjoy the outdoors, and bond with a beautiful animal. If you are looking for a new hobby or activity, I encourage you to give horse riding a try.


Topic 8 - Italian cooking

Italian Cooking: A Delicious Tradition

Italian cuisine is one of the most popular and beloved cuisines in the world. It is known for its fresh ingredients, simple preparations, and bold flavors. Italian cooking is a reflection of the country's rich history and culture, and it has evolved over centuries to become one of the most popular cuisines in the world.

There are many different regional cuisines in Italy, each with its own unique flavors and dishes. However, there are some common ingredients and techniques that are used throughout Italy. These include:

Italian cooking is often characterized by its simplicity. Many dishes are made with just a few simple ingredients, but they are often packed with flavor. This is due to the high quality of the ingredients that are used, as well as the careful attention to detail that is given to each dish.

One of the most famous Italian dishes is pasta. Pasta is made from a dough of flour and water, and it can be shaped into many different forms. Pasta is often served with a simple sauce, such as tomato sauce or pesto. Other popular Italian dishes include pizza, risotto, lasagna, and tiramisu.

Italian cooking is a delicious and versatile cuisine that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a great way to introduce new flavors to your palate, and it is also a relatively healthy way to eat. If you are looking for a delicious and satisfying meal, then Italian cooking is a great option.


Topic 9 - Bungy jumping

Bungee Jumping: The Ultimate Adrenaline Rush

Bungee jumping is an extreme sport that involves jumping from a high place while attached to a long elastic cord. The cord stretches as you fall, and then snaps you back up to the starting point. Bungee jumping is a popular activity for thrill-seekers, and it can be a great way to experience the adrenaline rush of free-falling.

Bungee jumping originated in the South Pacific island of Pentecost, where it was a traditional initiation rite for young men. The first commercial bungee jump took place in New Zealand in 1986, and the sport has since become popular all over the world.

There are many different places where you can go bungee jumping. Some popular spots include:

Bungee jumping is a safe activity, but it is important to follow safety precautions. You should always jump with a reputable company that has a good safety record. You should also make sure that you are physically fit and that you do not have any health conditions that could be affected by bungee jumping.

Bungee jumping is a great way to experience the adrenaline rush of free-falling, and it can be a truly unforgettable experience.

Here are some additional safety tips for bungee jumping:

If you are thinking about trying bungee jumping, here are some questions you may want to ask yourself:

If you answered yes to all of these questions, then bungee jumping might be the perfect activity for you. It is a great way to experience the adrenaline rush of free-falling, and it can be a truly unforgettable experience.

Here are some additional safety tips for bungee jumping:

Topic 10 - Jogging / running

Jogging and Running: A Healthy Habit

Jogging and running are two of the most popular forms of exercise in the world. They are both low-impact exercises that are easy to do and can be done almost anywhere. Jogging is a slower form of running, while running is a faster form of running.

Benefits of Jogging and Running

There are many benefits to jogging and running. Some of the benefits include:

Getting Started with Jogging and Running

If you are new to jogging or running, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase your distance and intensity. You should also wear comfortable shoes that are designed for running.

Here are some tips for getting started with jogging and running:

Questions to Consider