Reading - CEFR level A1, A2 - BASIC

1. The value of reading 

The value and importance of Reading

Reading is one of the most important skills a person can have. It is essential for learning, communication, and personal development. Reading helps us to understand the world around us, to learn new things, and to expand our horizons. It also helps us to develop our critical thinking skills, our imagination, and our creativity.

There are many benefits to reading. Reading can help us to:

In addition to the benefits listed above, reading can also help us to:

Overall, reading is an essential skill that can benefit us in many ways. It is important to make time for reading in our lives, and to choose books that we will enjoy and that will challenge us.

Discussion Questions:

2. Food


Food is what we eat to survive. It gives us the energy we need to move, think, and grow. Food is also a source of pleasure and enjoyment. We eat for many reasons, not just to survive. We eat to celebrate special occasions, to comfort ourselves when we are sad, and to socialize with friends and family.There are many different types of food in the world. Each culture has its own unique cuisine, which reflects its history, climate, and resources. Some common foods include rice, wheat, corn, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and dairy products.

Food is important for our health. It provides us with the nutrients we need to stay healthy and strong. Eating a balanced diet is essential for good health. A balanced diet includes a variety of foods from all food groups.There are many different ways to cook food. Some common cooking methods include baking, boiling, frying, grilling, and roasting. The way we cook food can affect its taste, texture, and nutritional value.

Food is a global industry. Food is grown, processed, and transported all over the world. The global food industry is worth trillions of dollars. Food is a complex issue. There are many factors that affect our food choices, including our culture, our budget, our health, and our environment. We need to make informed choices about the food we eat in order to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.


Food is a vital part of our lives. It is important for our health, our culture, and our economy. We need to make informed choices about the food we eat in order to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Discussion Questions

3. Universities


A university is a place where people go to learn. Universities offer a wide range of courses, from arts and humanities to science and engineering. Universities also offer research opportunities, and many universities have their own hospitals and museums.

There are many different types of universities. Some universities are public, which means that they are funded by the government. Other universities are private, which means that they are funded by tuition and donations. There are also religious universities, which are affiliated with a particular religion.

Universities can be found all over the world. Some of the most famous universities in the world include Harvard University in the United States, Oxford University in the United Kingdom, and the University of Tokyo in Japan.

Going to university can be a great way to get a good education. Universities can help you develop your skills and knowledge, and they can also help you make new friends and connections. However, going to university can also be expensive. Tuition fees can be high, and you may also need to pay for housing and food.

If you are considering going to university, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to decide what you want to study. Once you know what you want to study, you need to research different universities to find one that is a good fit for you. You also need to make sure that you can afford to go to university.


Universities can be a great way to get a good education and prepare for your future career. However, it is important to do your research and make sure that you are a good fit for the university you choose.

Discussion Questions

4. Shopping


Shopping is the act of buying goods or services. It can be done in a variety of ways, including in stores, online, and through catalogs.

There are many reasons why people shop. Some people shop to buy necessities, such as food and clothing. Others shop for entertainment or to relax. Still others shop to find bargains or to express their personal style.There are many different types of stores. Some stores sell a wide variety of goods, while others specialize in a particular product or service. There are also many different types of online stores.

Shopping can be a great way to find new things and to save money. However, it is important to be careful when shopping. It is important to compare prices and to make sure that you are buying from a reputable retailer.

Here are some additional tips for shopping:

Discussion Questions

5. Grasshoppers

6. Cleaning


Cleaning is an essential practice that involves removing dirt, dust, crumbs, and germs from surfaces or objects. It is an important aspect of hygiene practice, which focuses on the prevention of diseases through the use of cleaning as one of several inputs. Cleaning is the complete removal of food soil using appropriate detergent chemicals under recommended conditions. It is important to note that cleaning may not necessarily kill germs, but it removes some of them, which reduces the risk of spreading infection. Disinfecting, on the other hand, involves killing germs on surfaces or objects using chemicals. Sanitizing is a process that reduces the number of germs on surfaces or objects to a safe level.

To prevent the spread of infection, it is important to regularly clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are touched often, such as countertops, doorknobs, faucet and toilet handles, light switches, remotes, and toys. It is also important to be safe when cleaning and disinfecting. For example, it is recommended to wear gloves and use products according to their instructions.

Cleaning is an important practice that helps keep pests away, reduces in-home allergens like dust and dander, and helps stop the spread of germs, including viruses and bacteria that cause illness. It is important to clean surfaces thoroughly using soap or detergent and water before using disinfectants. Dirt and other materials on surfaces can reduce the effectiveness of disinfectants. If using a disinfectant to kill viruses, bacteria, and germs, apply after surfaces are cleaned. Look for the product label registration number to make sure the product is approved for use by the EPA. Carefully follow the instructions on the label.

In conclusion, cleaning is an important aspect of hygiene practice that helps prevent the spread of diseases. It is important to clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are touched often, and to be safe when doing so. By following proper cleaning and disinfecting procedures, we can help keep ourselves and others healthy. 

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section

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this is a test to test the writing section